You wouldn’t write a book without sketching an outline first. So why would you create a PowerPoint presentation without first developing a template?
Why Do I Need a Powerpoint Template?
You wouldn’t write a book without sketching an outline first. So why would you create a PowerPoint presentation without first developing a template?
The truth is, many companies make this mistake. They think that as long as they are pulling in the same slides, then it should always look right when you make a new presentation.
And it almost always leads to the same outcome: poorly formatted presentations with dense content, sloppy design and inconsistent branding. Given that most PowerPoint presentations play an important role in the sales process, this is a mistake you can’t afford to make.
Need more convincing? Here are other reasons why templates often mean the difference between a powerful presentation and a mediocre one.
Saves time and money
When you create a new presentation, it’s a lot easier — and faster — to choose from a predetermined set of slides versus creating slides from scratch. And saving time, as you know, means saving money.
Ensures quality control while reducing costs
If you invest in the design of a template that’s polished and professional, you’ll get a professional-looking deck every time — without having to incur more design costs down the road.
Creates visual consistency
If your presentation features any icons, charts, or other visual elements, they need to match those that appear on your website and other collateral. Frankly, if your work lacks a consistent look-and-feel, your company will look amateurish or incompetent.
Reinforces the brand
Your presentations should complement, not compete with, every other branded element that comes out of your company. A branded template looks professional and gives your audience a clear idea of who you are as a company.
Organizes your story
A great story can leave a lasting impression on your audience, but only if you know how to tell that story clearly and effectively. A template can give you the structure you need to pull that off in the context of a PowerPoint.
What a template won’t do
Templates have lots of benefits, but they can’t do everything. Here are a few things we get asked about with templates that they can’t actually do for you:
A template isn’t an AI designer, where you plug in content and let it do the rest
A custom template can’t automatically import your old slides – sometimes, you just have to let go
Branded templates can’t offer pre-built charts and tables, though they can help you ensure the right colors in your charts
Why you need a template
If you are a brand that regularly gives presentations, then you need a template. They will save you time, effort, and money, all while helping you to create better presentations than you might make starting from scratch.
And if you have one with the proper range of styles and designs, it can stay with your brand for years to come!
So while you might be tempted to skip the step of creating a template, don’t. A great template will make your life easier, make your company look better and make your presentation a whole lot stronger.
Update (02/24): we’ve revised this article to reflect some new insights about the use of PowerPoint templates
Looking for more information about presentations and beyond? Check out our resources for expert advice and tested strategies.
About the author
Kyle Kartz is the Creative Director of Storytelling at VerdanaBold. He is an expert copywriter and strategist, with experience driving major campaigns for global brands in multiple industries. He is passionate about communications, the outdoors, and cooking.